About us

JP.cars connects international markets with ‘state of the art’ technology. Our work fundamentally entails determining reliable market values/residual values, future market values/residual values and the current market values of used cars. Our ambition is to become the primary data terminal for lease companies, financial institutions and car companies worldwide.

Our usp's



(Impact) analyses based on a client-specific protocol.



We are an independent supplier of market information.



We have a market-leading team of econometricians, data and computer scientists and software engineers.

The impact

  • Improved returns:

    Demonstrably from 20% to 60%

  • Time savings:

    Eliminate up to 80% of manual actions

Work with us.

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B-Rent: “JP.cars allows us to identify trends faster.”

Belcar Rent NV, member of the Beerens Group and trading under the name of B-Rent, is one of Belgium’s largest used car import/ export companies. B-Rent purchases batches of used cars throughout Europe, selling them on to other subsidiaries of the Beerens Group and to other customers, mainly in the EU. The software from JP.cars […]

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Partnership JP.cars boosts turnover rate maarZeker

Based in the deep south of the Netherlands, car service center maarZeker sets itself apart from its bigger competitors by focusing on client relations and premium local service. Customers know they can rely on maarZeker for expert advice, maintenance and repairs for their car. With a modest, yet diverse stock of 40 to 50 vehicles, […]

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JP.cars ensures uniform valuations for Hekkert Autogroep

Established as a modest Opel dealer in the previous century, Hekkert Autogroep has grown into the number one Stellantis dealer of the southern Netherlands – with no less than six locations in the region. With this development grew the need for reliable data, which is now supplied by JP.cars.

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