From skepticism to strategy: how helps Auto Hommel with fine-tuning its used car practices

With the combination of used car sales and car maintenance and repair services, Auto Hommel has seen substantial growth over the years. Based in the south of the Netherlands, the family business employs approximately 15 people, while selling 700-800 used cars annually – mostly to individuals.

Auto Hommel

“Once you reach high stock levels, you can’t keep going by your gut alone. We leverage the valuable data from to assess our stock critically.”

Seeing is believing

Initially, owner-director Patrick Hommel was not convinced by the software, as now and again, it delivered insights different from his own. 

“I have quite some experience in this industry, 30 years’ worth, to be exact. As such, I have been asked to contribute to various projects. One of those is the Koerslijst, a tool for calculating a car’s market value – developed by Dutch automobile association ANWB. Besides, I have seen many systems that failed to live up to their promise. But when a colleague recommended, I became curious. How do they leverage their data differently?” says Patrick.

He decided to give it a shot and invest his time into the software. Patrick: “As I was using’ software more intensively and analyzing its data in greater detail, I started to understand its value.’ approach does not only focus on price. It also takes marketability and other market factors into account. This delivered relevant insights that turned out to be crucial for fine-tuning our purchase and sales strategies.” won the vote of confidence

The data from is more than just interesting. Auto Hommel has benefited from it already.

“The software gives us more detailed insight into the market value and marketability of vehicles,” according to Patrick. “This allows us to align our purchase and sales strategies, and work more efficiently.”

Patrick shares an example to explain: “Before we used, our valuations were less consistent. Every sales person had their own interpretation. Now that we have’ data, we do not just accept any car with a low ETR. Of course, we still take cars with a lower ETR, but we will make sure the margin is higher.”


Positive results show potential for continued partnership

Auto Hommel not only uses’ software for valuating cars, but also for stock management. Patrick explains: 

“Our stock consists of some 130 to 140 vehicles. I’d like to reduce that by 20 to 30 cars and see whether I can sell the same number of cars as we did last year, but at a faster turnover rate. This would tie up less money in our stock.”

Looking ahead, Patrick believes the partnership with offers a lot of potential. “After working around three months with the software, the results are clear. Our turnover rate has improved and I expect this to improve even more. I place enough trust in the software for me to build my business on it.


“The blend of data and expertise was an important reason to partner with”

Car wholesaler expands offering with comprehensive service center


Axero used to focus mainly on car imports and exports for the B2B market. With the changes in the market, the company offers a growing service portfolio to car dealerships.

“The European automotive market is replete with the same models. This has made our core business of moving cars more complex. We have to respond with creativity and distinguish ourselves from other players in the game. The establishment of our service center was one part of our response. Here, car dealerships can use our parking, the 360-degree photo studio, our reconditioning services, the car wash and the battery power charging facility. We also offer de-fleeting. With this service center, car inspections can be performed 100% online, empowering the dealer to sell the car quicker. The other part of our new strategy was to partner with to support us in optimizing our profit margins,” said Rudy Jagersma, Managing Director at Axero.


Combining data and expertise

According to Rudy, optimizing margins requires combining data and expertise.

“We used to purchase vehicles based on our gut feeling – but that occasionally led to a bad buy. now gives us hard data to complement our existing car expertise. With that blend of data and expertise, we can base our decisions on the right input. I’m convinced this allows us to optimize our margins.”

In daily practice, the new strategy not only leads to better decisions, but also to significant time savings. 

“We tend to receive big files with long lists of cars. Our purchasers used to go through them with a comb. Now, we let the software deal with that, giving us instant recommendations. It shows us the perfect purchasing price, based on our margin and the sales price. The software from does all the hard work.”  


Extensive coverage and rapid expansion were decisive

Axero felt the need to add data to expertise, but was also swayed by the extensive coverage and rapid expansion of

“It’s a fast-growing party that capitalizes on its knowledge of data, both in the Netherlands and abroad. This also makes it possible to consider whether we should approach our colleagues in Belgium, should a car possibly sell for a better price there than here in the Netherlands. This is how adds genuine value.”


Multiple advantages not only supports Axero in realizing better margins and faster processes, it also provides opportunities for the sales channel. Rudy: “Our purchasers spend their days searching for cars and is a great help for them. The software provides insight into the market, highlighting the cars that are in high demand. This empowers us to buy the right vehicles and find potential buyers that match with our supply at the same time.”


Great expectations

Rudy is looking forward to’ further expansion. He believes that the more grows, the better Axero will align with the European market. 

“We aim to develop a long-term relationship and I understand that is expanding in various countries. As we trade in Europe as well, this is an important requirement for us. I expect great things from cross-country data comparison. It will really help us in the future.”

Logo B-Rent

“The advantage of’ software is that it enables us to identify trends, for example with regard to the popularity and supply volume of specific models. This helps us uncover opportunities faster and better.”

Partnership is a win-win

B-Rent director Ferry Rasenburg stumbled upon’ software at a remarketing event a few years ago, and was immediately impressed.

“I figured that this was a way to speed up our processes. So, I proposed a cooperation in Belgium, to test the software there. And that’s what we did. By now, we’ve been working together for almost three years,” says Ferry.

It didn’t take long for the partnership to pay off for B-Rent, especially in terms of time savings. “Our usual purchasing practice involves checking various websites to gauge a car’s market performance. What does it do in Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium and France? And can we compare those specs? For example, one car might not have leather upholstery, while another model comes without the panoramic roof. helps us save a significant amount of time. If you’re searching for a specific car with the desired options, you can fine-tune your search very well and compare, nationally and internationally. Once rolls out its software in the whole of Europe, the scope of comparison extends further, increasing our time savings even more.”


Data as valuable advice

In practice, the software from not only helps to save time, it also allows B-Rent to take better-informed decisions when buying and selling in bulk. Ferry:

“When we’re looking to purchase a certain batch, we use to verify the turnover rates in the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. That information helps us decide whether we should make an offer or not, or maybe lower or raise our offer. This also involves checking the ETR, focusing on the higher ETRs. The margin potential in relation to the market is immediately visible as well. I feel that is something you need to check, but the software still allows us to act fast.”


Extra tool in a changing market’ software is another tool in B-Rent’s toolbox – a tool that proves itself very useful in an ever more rapidly changing market.

“We now have all this information at our fingertips, but the software has also expanded our used car supply. A few years ago especially, there was a time with a great shortage of cars and suppliers disappearing. The software helped us find new suppliers. But personal contact with our existing relations remains of vital importance. The software is one tool in our toolbox, be it an important one – especially for monitoring prices. The market changes faster and faster, prices go up and down very rapidly. The current market is very volatile.”


Continued European rollout offers good prospects for the future

Given B-Rent’s activities in the whole of Europe, Ferry eagerly anticipates the full European rollout. “Once the software expands its scope, we can oversee more markets, with our scale of comparison increasing. That is definitely an interesting development, and we’ll be following the price and quality of the service provision with intent.”

“ helps us purchase our cars more strategically. We saw the stock's marketability and turnover rate soar in a matter of weeks.”

First results within weeks

The quest for reliable data about the marketability of used vehicles led maarZeker to

“We used to work with another system, but it often delivered inaccurate or insufficient information. While looking for new software, we hit upon a number of posts by on LinkedIn. We immediately reached out and started a pilot,” says Daniël Maar, owner of Bosch Car Service maarZeker.

The software showed its potential early on in the trial period. “As the pilot progressed, we became more and more excited. The first results were apparent after only a few weeks,” according to Daniel. 

It was not just the software that sparked enthusiasm at maarZeker, the dealership was very happy with’ support as well. “The implementation manager’s knowledge of the software was very impressive and made for a smooth and pleasant implementation and onboarding process. reserved plenty of time to help us work with the software – and did that in such a way that it quickly yielded concrete results!”


Trading with confidence 

The cooperation with provides various advantages. One particular asset is the marketability index (ETR), which enables maarZeker to trade with confidence. 

Daniël: “The ETR helps me identify the best cars to purchase. I used to buy cars based on my gut feeling, but we now have the right tool. uncovers the cars that are currently marketable. This includes vehicles I used to ignore, thinking they would never sell. In addition, the software highlights the accuracy of the ETR, aided by the APR. This allows us to source fast-selling cars, boosting our turnover rate significantly.”


Combination of data and expertise remains valuable

Despite the fact that maarZeker has only worked with the software for a relatively short time, Daniël is very positive about the outcome. “I’ve been using the data a lot. Recently, I purchased a car from a brand I had never purchased before. But individual experience and expertise remain important, especially for subjective aspects like color and interior. For example, we know that a light interior sells slower than a dark interior. This is why that combination of data and expertise is so valuable.”


Growth opportunities for maarZeker

Looking ahead, Daniël sees many growth opportunities sprouting from the partnership with “Of course, our final objective is to sell more cars. We have only been using the data for 1.5 months and we have already seen remarkable results. Smart purchasing practices boost the stock’s ETR and the turnover rate. This shows tremendous promise for the future.”

“ has made our work easier and more efficient. With the uniform valuations, our used car manager can set a price much quicker than before.”

From Opel trade-ins to unfamiliar brands

When Stellantis announced its plans to switch to agency agreements, Hekkert Autogroep realized that its sales team would get to work with new and unfamiliar brands. This prompted the search for a solid trade-in system. “Our sales reps used to know the exact value of any Opel car, but now we deal in many different brands. This is impossible without the right software,” says Wino van den Bosch, Commercial Director at Hekkert Autogroep.


Unique pilot in automotive sector

Van den Bosch did not hurry the decision to switch to software from After all, their previous system worked well enough. But the company is always eager to improve and the commercial director liked the idea of a paid pilot program. 

“Our standards are high. I have worked with many programs and usually, they promise the world. But they often disappoint in practice. Generally, you receive a program demo with data from a fictitious company, and everything works great. But once you implement the program yourself, things turn sour. That is why I liked the idea for paying for a pilot program, with customizing the software with our data. While this is quite uncommon in the automotive sector, it allowed us to experience how the software works in practice. We have been using the software for a few months and it works well for us,” according to Wino van den Bosch.  


Uniform valuations for the entire team

The commercial director says the software’s valuations are one of its biggest benefits. With multiple sales people spread out over various locations, it is vital to work with uniform and correct trade-in values. 

Van den Bosch: “When you ask six people to valuate a vehicle with the average software system, this results in six different prices. does that much better. When you and I valuate a car using the same variables, we get the same price.”


Marketability well displayed

Besides the uniform valuations, Van Den Bosch is very positive about the ETR:’ marketability index. Van den Bosch: “The software displays a vehicle’s marketability in a clear way. Another metric, the APR, shows the reliability of that assessment. This is a great feature, because you can adapt your pricing accordingly. Of course, any car will sell if you make it cheap enough. But the software lets you set a price based on marketability and that is a great plus.” 


Hekkert Autogroep growing hand in hand with

Commercial director Van Den Bosch wants to see Hekkert Autogroep grow hand in hand with, as evidenced by his contributions to the improvement of the software. 

“When I have ideas for enhancing the software, I forward them. For example, we needed a feature that would allow us to save a valuation, so that I could monitor the sales price set for a car by our manager used cars. I explained this to and they immediately implemented this functionality.”

Volvo logo

“Strengthening our used cars practices, boosting our turnover rate, reliable data – all in all, Mobility Centre and make a great match.”

Prepare for the Future  

Going forward, the Barendrecht branch will be the main site for used Volvos. “As Volvo prepares to transition to agency sales, we are planning for a single branch for new cars – probably our Rotterdam location. This means that our Barendrecht branch will offer used cars exclusively,” said Griffin Houppermans, Location Manager at Mobility Centre Volvo Barendrecht.

“Our used cars showroom in Barendrecht currently features some 60 to 65 models, with new Volvos on the first floor. The switch to 100% used cars means that we can stock almost 100 cars in Barendrecht. This is why we have started preparing for the future – and it is’s software that helps us strengthen our used cars practices.”


Responding Faster to a Dynamic Market

While the increased emphasis on used cars was a primary factor, Mobility Center’s decision to partner with was also driven by the dynamic changes in the market. Where common sense and gut feeling used to inform decisions, there is now a growing need for reliable data.

“There is no going back to working without data. We used to make a few calls and ask each other: ‘What do you think?’ And there would be a difference of a couple of hundred euros. Now, the discrepancies are much larger, which makes the impact that much bigger. This can really affect whether you make a deal or not – or even purchase an entirely wrong model. The software enables us to compare with a larger number of cars and access reliable data. As a result, we can make well-informed decisions.”


Daily Focus on Data

It was the data accuracy that convinced Mobility Centre, in particular when it came to appraising cars from other brands. Says Griffin: “We monitor the market every day to keep track of the details of our used cars in stock. Obviously, data accuracy is very important in this context. We also exchange many cars from other brands and provides us with reliable information that allows us to make solid comparisons.”

Perhaps the biggest progress for Mobility Centre is the grown awareness and the daily focus on data.

“In the past, we would occasionally postpone certain tasks. But now, we receive daily mails with points of concern for certain cars, urging us to address any issues immediately. Our entire team focuses daily on this, which is a great step forward. We monitor the cars that require attention every day. ‘What is wrong with the ad? Do we have a pricing problem?’ The stock days policy in the software is perfect for this. It helps us reduce our stock days, which increases turnover rate.”


Bright Future

Griffin is all for a long-term partnership between Mobility Centre and “The software aligns with our vision and expansion plans for used cars. Strengthening our used cars practices, boosting our turnover rate, reliable data – all in all, Mobility Centre and make a great match. If you are looking to future-proof your used cars sales, this is the way to go.”

“You can quickly assess the car’s marketability and price worthiness, which helps us work more efficiently.”

“Does it have a high marketability and will it sell?” is a frequently asked question in the automotive industry. Answering this question consumes a lot of time and effort. “Previously, to determine the purchase value and selling price of a car, we would browse websites listing cars for sale. Not very efficient,” says Mark Slegt, Used Car Manager at Auto Hoogenboom. “Towards the end of 2021, came on our radar and demonstrated that their data was sufficient to answer this question.”

Consequently, Auto Hoogenboom decided to work with The software provides a wealth of relevant information, which according to Mark is unique in the automotive industry. “You can quickly assess the car’s marketability and price worthiness, which helps us work more efficiently.”

Since the start of this year, Mark has been actively working to harness the full potential of, utilizing it for purchasing and dynamic pricing.


Adapting to market developments

“The used car market fluctuates so much that we need to consistently monitor our inventory to maintain turnover rates. This gives rise to what we call: Dynamic Pricing. Every week, we review our advertised inventory to determine if adjustments are required, guided by the data offers.”


A foundation for decision-making

But that’s not all, as Mark points out: “To employ a successful strategy, you need insights. grants clarity through management reports. For every branch, we can view the vehicles available, along with their days on lot, turnover speed, and marketability relative to the broader auto market.”

" is constantly engaged in guiding the customer to ensure it becomes a success story. That, to me, is very important."

Examining procurement and sales

Radu Nicodim (Managing Director of My Way), made the switch from consultancy to the automotive industry four years ago, enticed by the changing landscape. “The automotive market is currently undergoing a 180-degree turn, with changes such as electrification and a shift from physical to online sales channels.”

My Way’s business model aligns perfectly with these shifts. Radu: “My Way caters to both B2C retail (My Way) and B2B wholesale (My Way Pro). Customers can buy cars from physical showrooms, or entirely online. In this case, they can choose when and at which My Way location they want their car delivered. My Way maintains a network of 20 dealerships that purchase vehicles and sell them to end customers.”

On the purchasing side, My Way also manages two sourcing channels. “One from D’Ieteren itself and the other involves purchasing cars from various locations across Europe, driven by competitive offers.” The company places great importance on monitoring and optimizing these buying and selling channels, based on data-driven insights within the Belgian market. In this endeavor, My Way heavily focuses on data analysis and dynamic pricing.


From proof of concept to business-wide integration

My Way was looking for a partner to support their vision and found the perfect fit in, based on a recommendation from a Dutch client. Radu: “My Way is a startup, and we embrace an agile approach. The decision to start a pilot with was swift.”

The most important aspect for My Way? “The accuracy of the data, as the software informs decisions involving millions. If the data is inaccurate, this poses a significant business risks.” During the pilot phase, My Way was highly impressed with’ reliability index. “When the confidence index is high, the quality of the data is always correct. This enables us to determine when to rely on the data and when to involve our experts.”

Additionally, the system was perceived as user-friendly. “In the past, we’ve used other tools for analyzing data, but they often provided too much information. This made it complex and hindered adoption.” Based on these findings, My Way decided to roll out across the entire business.



The right car for the right price

During the pilot phase, My Way utilized for dynamic pricing. Now, it’s time for the next step. Radu: “We will introduce into the My Way network of twenty partners, enabling them to price their vehicles more accurately and make their stock more dynamic.”

Looking ahead, will also be employed for procurement in the wholesale market. “We receive numerous offers each day for cars on the international market. helps us rapidly scan through this vast volume. However, the final decision always rests with one of our experts, someone with real-world automotive experience. But this person is backed by powerful software.”

For Radu, the ‘attractiveness score’ (ETR) is crucial. My Way’s main focus is not just buying cheap cars, but acquiring vehicles that have a strong performance in the market. Using, they can conveniently filter out attractive cars, both for B2B and B2C.  

“Instead of asking someone to manually inspect and analyze a hundred cars one by one, we use to immediately focus on the top 25 most interesting vehicles.”


Succeeding together

Radu applauds the collaboration with “The way approaches the relationship with the customer, is truly outstanding,” says Radu. “You can see that they are a young and dynamic company as well. They are constantly engaged in guiding the customer to ensure it becomes a success story. That, to me, is very important. For instance, our team initially had a weekly meeting with the expert from”


Looking towards the future

A successful collaboration, indeed, that continues to grow on the business front. will play an important role in helping My Way Pro identify the best alternatives at the European level, when cars cannot be sold in their own market. “Currently, we have data for the Dutch and Belgian markets. Together with, we plan to expand this in the future to include France, Germany, and more.”

What determines My Way’s success in the long-run? “A tool like should assist us in enhancing two KPIs. First off, the turnaround time of vehicles, by purchasing cars with high marketability. We already see a positive trend here. Furthermore, we aim to optimize our profit margins.”

"With, we can obtain the right prices and recommendations within seconds. This makes our purchasing team highly efficient."

Responding to market changes

“With such a vast number of locations, it’s crucial for us to continue making the right moves to maintain and strengthen our current position,” says Jacco Poldervaart, Director of Used Cars at Hedin Automotive NL. “Because the market is constantly evolving.”

“We’ve had two good years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, many manufacturers faced supply issues, resulting in fewer new cars available and increased demand for used cars. But now, new cars are being produced again. So we need to strategically respond to the opportunities and threats in the used car market.”

However, there are more developments in the new car market. Manufacturers are increasingly adopting the agency model, meaning they directly deliver their cars to consumers through importers. Previously, consumers used to order their cars through dealers who could set their own profit margins. Now, the dealer has become an agent who receives a delivery fee for their services. Brand dealers have less control over the sales of new cars, which is why Hedin Automotive chose to expand its used car operations.


Focus on data

To be able to quickly respond to these changes, having the right market information is crucial. Jacco: “We took the first steps years ago, by developing our own Power BI dashboard. But it’s a new day and as such, we had the ambition to take our data capabilities to the next level.”

This aligns well with Hedin Automotive’s vision for the future, aimed at growing their volumes and results. “This means that significant changes are needed in some stores, while small optimizations will suffice in others.” These decisions could be made based on intuition, but Hedin Automotive prefers to be guided by data.


From pilot to full rollout with

Last year, Hedin Automotive started looking for a partner who could help them with their data ambitions. After comparing various tools, they ultimately chose Partly because it allows Hedin Automotive to unlock relevant data for their own Power BI dashboard.

“But for me, ease of use is one of the most important factors,” says Jacco. “ allows me to quickly access the KPIs at a cluster or branch level. And it’s a great tool for the local sales teams to work with. Additionally, is at the forefront of dynamic pricing, which gives us a competitive advantage in the occasion market.

“To try out the software, we started with one cluster of locations during the pilot phase and gradually expanded from there. This allowed us to see the added value of We’ve also had positive experiences with their support. They actively contribute to our strategy and provide innovative ideas we can implement.” has been rolled out across all Dutch locations as of March 1, 2023.



Monitoring inventory

Hedin Automotive primarily utilizes the software from to monitor their inventory. Jacco and his colleagues can track which cars are being sold and determine the average time in stock. “Inventory turnover is an important KPI for us. Despite certain market developments, we see a positive trend in this area.”

“We partly owe this to the insights from and the strategic recommendations they provide. Within the tool, we have established several company-specific protocols, which for example allow us to actively sell older cars first.”


Daily pricing

Additionally, is leveraged for dynamic pricing, meaning the sales price is adjusted daily according to the market. Jacco: “This means we engage in pricing activities on a daily basis. is an excellent addition for us. The software scans the market every day and proposes a sales price. The brand specialist then decides whether or not to adjust the price based on the recommendation. This ensures that we are always aligned with the market and optimize our returns.”

Jacco also sees opportunities in purchasing. Because doesn’t only provide pricing advice but also offers real-time insights into the marketability of cars. “This doesn’t mean we automatically overlook any slow-selling cars. It’s all about striking the right balance with the purchase

price. Ultimately, we can find a happy customer for every car, as long as we have a sufficient margin between the purchase and sales price. This matters for the long-term success of our company”, says Jacco.


Growing with

Although the collaboration with has only just started, Jacco can already see that Hedin Automotive is successfully keeping up with the market. A positive outlook. “Compared to the past two years, we’ve managed to grow our volume while keeping our margins at a minimum. That’s definitely a win-win for our company.”

As such, will remain significant for Hedin Automotive’s growth in the future. “Hedin Mobility Group operates in many European countries, so it’s also interesting to explore how we can incorporate cross-border purchasing advice. can help us connect international markets.”

Find out how the Louwman Group is now able to create better propositions, buy the right cars more quickly and set exact prices based on demand.

Watch this video to see how Hiltermann Lease achieved greater efficiency and speed when (re-)calculating contracts.

Our formula is simple: we provide automotive experts with complete transparency, based on reliable and independent information. We connect international markets with our state-of-the-art technology, built by the best software engineers and data scientists around.

‘Buying and selling the right cars, at the right moment, and for the right price is a complex business. Whether a used car is or isn’t interesting depends on all kinds of variables. As far as our customers were concerned, this process was based primarily on experience and gut instinct. Although this is a good place to start, it represents only half the analysis. What you should want to add to this is real-time, independent and reliable data, such as online sales prices, price changes, days on the forecourt, and sales and stock numbers. The result is an optimal balance between sales price and return. Whether you’re successful therefore depends on the interplay between the expert’s knowledge and experience on the one hand, and the data that allows the expert to oversee the entire market in real time on the other. Together with our customers, we prove every day that this approach works,’ says Jan-Willem adds.


Great strides

Jan-Willem Seeder set up Japiecars with his brother Pieter six years ago. ‘Together with our customers, we’ve made great strides. The logical next step is international expansion. Our formula is simple: we provide automotive experts with complete transparency, based on reliable and independent information. We connect international markets with our state-of-the-art technology, built by the best software engineers and data scientists around. Every day, we determine reliable residual values, future residual values, and the marketability of used cars, and that’s the foundation of what we do. The information provided by has to be usable and profitable on a daily basis.’



‘We’re proud of the fact that these days more than half of the dealer top 20 in the Netherlands are customers of And that, for the first time, we also have customers abroad.

Our strategy for 2022 is also transparent and, on the one hand, involves the roll-out of the innovative fleet monitoring software to lease companies and financial institutions in the Netherlands – we developed this software in 2021 in cooperation with our launching customers. On the other hand, our strategy involves the continued roll-out of our market leading stock monitoring and procurement software to Dutch, Belgian, and German car dealerships,’ explains Ronald Scholtus, who is responsible for marketing and sales. He continues: ‘We’re able to grow quickly at national and international level because we’re using the latest technologies and a large number of retail companies, such as MediaMarkt, HelloFresh and Zalando, have already gained a lot of experience with the digital transformation which the automotive branch is now in the middle of. Incidentally, this is also one of the two reasons why we’ve changed our name to because it underlines our international ambition. Having said that, we expect and hope that the name Japie will live on for a long time among our Dutch customers! It’s also a logical next step in our professionalisation.’ (PV)


Used cars can be bought and sold much more easily, quickly, and profitably. ‘Real-time data means you always know the right price and marketability of a car. That enables you to generate a return,’ explains Jan-Willem Seeder, director of

Brothers Jan-Willem and Pieter (Japie) Seeder came up with the idea for their company in 2016 when they were looking for a used car themselves. ‘We discovered that, just like consumers, car dealerships were analysing the cars they had to buy manually and based on their value for money. We were convinced that there was a better way, and so was born,’ Jan-Willem explains. Five years, later the company is supplying software which car dealerships can use to determine the prices and marketability of cars they want to buy and sell both quickly and accurately. ‘Our software means we can solve the challenges of emotion, time, and volume for car dealerships,’ adds Ronald Scholtus, who is responsible for marketing and sales at ‘If you have dozens of cars in stock, it’s impossible to check all of them manually every day. Having said that, you still want daily insight into how your stock is doing compared to the market.’ The technology provided by enables you to do just that. ‘The same applies to procurement, certainly now there is a shortage of used cars. You have to analyse more cars and place more bids to achieve at least the same result. That too is impossible without help from technology.’ The algorithms created by analyse many hundreds of thousands of cars at national and international level each day and select those cars which are interesting using customer-specific protocols, based on marketability and margin.



By providing real-time insight into the market the software always knows what the trend is in terms of current and future residual values and marketability. ‘This enables you to bid more on marketable cars than on unmarketable ones. Our data results directly in actions, and that has been proven to generate a greater return. Everyone is fishing in the same pond, so you want to be just that little bit faster than your competitor. If a car becomes more marketable, our algorithms automatically adapt the price accordingly. So, in a dynamic market, our software will immediately advise you to increase the price. For each of our customers, we’ve demonstrated that the turnover rate increases by 40 to 120%, that the age of the stock declines, and that the return increases. On top of this, an 80% time-saving can be achieved,’ adds Ronald.

So what happens if your competitor is also using ‘Our software is tailored to the specific wishes of the customer. A general car dealership will probably have a different strategy to a brand dealership. Even if everyone were to use, there would still be diversity. The software does make for fewer relative price differences. Every car is unique and is weighted by such things as age, horsepower, options, and mileage. But the goal is to offer value for money: are you getting enough car for your money and enough money for your car?’ Ronald has another piece of urgent advice for the automotive industry: ‘Start managing cars based on value for money, so weigh up every option and every kilometre and base the price on that. This will result in a greater return than always trying to be one of the cheapest purely in terms of price.’ is also looking abroad. ‘That’s what our customers want. We’re able and willing to be a reliable benchmark for the European automotive industry. This year we’re going to venture, for the first time, into our neighbouring countries, Belgium and Germany, and we intend to roll out our solution at an increasingly faster pace into the rest of Europe and America.


From skepticism to strategy: how helps Auto Hommel with fine-tuning its used car practices

With the combination of used car sales and car maintenance and repair services, Auto Hommel has seen substantial growth over the years. Based in the south of the Netherlands, the family business employs approximately 15 people, while selling 700-800 used cars annually – mostly to individuals.

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Axero: “The software does all the hard work”

Car wholesaler Axero has been serving the European market since 1992. Based in the east of the Netherlands, the company specializes in car imports and exports and offers a comprehensive service portfolio for car dealerships. Axero’s services help shorten its own lead times and those of its clients, thereby optimizing margins. is an essential […]

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B-Rent: “ allows us to identify trends faster.”

Belcar Rent NV, member of the Beerens Group and trading under the name of B-Rent, is one of Belgium’s largest used car import/ export companies. B-Rent purchases batches of used cars throughout Europe, selling them on to other subsidiaries of the Beerens Group and to other customers, mainly in the EU. The software from […]

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